package dev.inmo.micro_utils.common import kotlinx.cinterop.ByteVar import kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer import kotlinx.cinterop.alloc import kotlinx.cinterop.allocArray import kotlinx.cinterop.convert import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped import kotlinx.cinterop.ptr import kotlinx.cinterop.readBytes import platform.linux.statvfs import platform.posix.ACCESSPERMS import platform.posix.FILE import platform.posix.F_OK import platform.posix.SEEK_END import platform.posix.S_IFDIR import platform.posix.S_IFMT import platform.posix.access import platform.posix.fgets import platform.posix.fopen import platform.posix.fseek import platform.posix.ftell import platform.posix.remove import platform.posix.rename import platform.posix.rmdir import platform.posix.stat actual data class MPPFile(internal val filename: FileName) { val path = filename.string val isFile: Boolean get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() if (stat(path, stat.ptr) != 0) return@memScoped false (S_IFDIR != (stat.st_mode and S_IFMT.convert()).convert()) } val isDirectory: Boolean get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() if (stat(path, stat.ptr) != 0) return@memScoped false S_IFDIR == (stat.st_mode and S_IFMT.convert()).convert() } val size: Long get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() if (stat(path, stat.ptr) != 0) return@memScoped 0 return stat.st_size.convert() } val lastModified: Long get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() if (stat(path, stat.ptr) != 0) return@memScoped 0 return stat.st_ctim.tv_nsec / 1000L } val freeSpace: Long get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() statvfs(path, stat.ptr) (stat.f_bfree.toULong() * stat.f_bsize.toULong()).toLong() } val availableSpace: Long get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() statvfs(path, stat.ptr) (stat.f_bavail.toULong() * stat.f_bsize.toULong()).toLong() } val totalSpace: Long get() = memScoped { val stat = alloc() statvfs(path, stat.ptr) (stat.f_blocks.toULong() * stat.f_frsize.toULong()).toLong() } constructor(vararg path: String) : this(FileName( { it.removeSuffix(SEPARATOR_STRING) }.joinToString(SEPARATOR_STRING))) constructor(parent: MPPFile, subpath: String) : this("${parent.filename.withoutSlashAtTheEnd}$SEPARATOR${subpath}") fun createPointer(mode: String = "r") = fopen(, mode) fun delete(): Boolean { return when { isDirectory -> rmdir(path) == 0 isFile -> remove(path) == 0 else -> false } } fun mkdir(): Boolean = platform.posix.mkdir(path, ACCESSPERMS) == 0 override fun toString(): String = path override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other !is MPPFile) return false return path == other.path } override fun hashCode(): Int = 31 + path.hashCode() fun renameTo(newPath: MPPFile): Boolean = rename(path, newPath.path) == 0 fun list(): List { val out = ArrayList() FileIterator(this).forEach { file -> out += file } return out } fun fileChannel(mode: String = "r") = FileChannel(this, mode) companion object { val SEPARATOR: Char = '/' val SEPARATOR_STRING: String = SEPARATOR.toString() val temporalDirectory: MPPFile? get() = MPPFile("/tmp").takeIf { it.isDirectory } } } actual val MPPFile.filename: FileName get() = this.filename actual val MPPFile.filesize: Long get() = memScoped { val pointer = createPointer() fseek(pointer, 0L, SEEK_END) ftell(pointer) } actual val MPPFile.bytesAllocatorSync: ByteArrayAllocator get() = { memScoped { fileChannel().readFully() } } actual val MPPFile.bytesAllocator: SuspendByteArrayAllocator get() = { bytesAllocatorSync() }