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sealed class ColumnType
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class FileKeyValueRepo(folder: File, filesChangedProcessingScope: CoroutineScope? = null) : KeyValueRepo<String, File> , WriteKeyValueRepo<String, File> , ReadKeyValueRepo<String, File>
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class FileWriteKeyValueRepo(folder: File, filesChangedProcessingScope: CoroutineScope? = null) : WriteKeyValueRepo<String, File>

Files watching will not correctly works on Android with version of API lower than API 26

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Full version of standard key-value repository with all set/unset/clear/get methods

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MutableMap-based MapCRUDRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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MutableMap-based KeyValueRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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MutableMap-based KeyValuesRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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class MapReadKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>(map: Map<Key, List<Value>> = emptyMap(), locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()) : ReadKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>

Map-based ReadKeyValuesRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withReadAcquire)

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class MapWriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>(map: MutableMap<Key, MutableList<Value>> = mutableMapOf(), locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()) : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>

MutableMap-based WriteKeyValuesRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withWriteLock)

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Read part of KeyValueRepo

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class ReadMapCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType>(map: Map<IdType, ObjectType> = emptyMap(), locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()) : ReadCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType>

Map-based ReadMapCRUDRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withReadAcquire)

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Map-based ReadKeyValueRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withReadAcquire)

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interface Repo
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class SimpleMapperRepo<FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue>(keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey, valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue, keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey, valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue) : MapperRepo<FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue>
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class StandardSQLHelper(context: Context, name: String, factory: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory? = null, version: Int = 1, errorHandler: DatabaseErrorHandler? = null, useSharedPreferencesForVersions: Boolean = false)
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Write part of KeyValueRepo

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abstract class WriteMapCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType>(map: MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType> = mutableMapOf(), locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()) : WriteCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType>

MutableMap-based WriteMapCRUDRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withWriteLock)

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MutableMap-based WriteKeyValueRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker (mostly with SmartRWLocker.withWriteLock)


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inline suspend fun <Key, Value, REPO : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.add(vararg keysAndValues: Pair<Key, List<Value>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value, REPO : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.add(keysAndValues: List<Pair<Key, List<Value>>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.add(k: Key, vararg v: Value)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.add(k: Key, v: List<Value>)
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fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType> MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.asCrudRepo(updateCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType, id: IdType, old: ObjectType) -> ObjectType, locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker(), createCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType) -> Pair<IdType, ObjectType>): MapCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, newValue: InputValueType>

MutableMap-based MapCRUDRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.asKeyValueRepo(locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()): KeyValueRepo<K, V>

MutableMap-based KeyValueRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, List<V>>.asKeyValuesRepo(locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()): KeyValuesRepo<K, V>

MutableMap-based KeyValuesRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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fun SQLiteDatabase.createTable(tableName: String, vararg columnsToTypes: Pair<String, ColumnType>, onInit: SQLiteDatabase.() -> Unit? = null): Boolean
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fun createTableQuery(tableName: String, vararg columnsToTypes: Pair<String, ColumnType>): String
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fun Cursor.getDouble(columnName: String): Double
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fun Cursor.getDoubleOrNull(columnName: String): Double?
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fun Cursor.getFloat(columnName: String): Float
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fun Cursor.getFloatOrNull(columnName: String): Float?
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fun Cursor.getInt(columnName: String): Int
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fun Cursor.getIntOrNull(columnName: String): Int?
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fun Cursor.getLong(columnName: String): Long
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fun Cursor.getLongOrNull(columnName: String): Long?
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fun Cursor.getShort(columnName: String): Short
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fun Cursor.getShortOrNull(columnName: String): Short?
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fun Cursor.getString(columnName: String): String
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fun Cursor.getStringOrNull(columnName: String): String?
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inline fun <T> SQLiteDatabase.inlineTransaction(crossinline block: SQLiteDatabase.() -> T): T
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operator fun <FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue> MapperRepo.Companion.invoke(keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey, valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue, keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey, valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue): SimpleMapperRepo<FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue>
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fun limitClause(size: Int, since: Int? = null): String
fun limitClause(size: Long, since: Long? = null): String
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inline fun <T> (Cursor) -> T): List<T>
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fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType> MapCRUDRepo(updateCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType, id: IdType, old: ObjectType) -> ObjectType, locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker(), createCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType) -> Pair<IdType, ObjectType>): MapCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, newValue: InputValueType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType> MapCRUDRepo(map: MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>, updateCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType, id: IdType, old: ObjectType) -> ObjectType, locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker(), createCallback: suspend MutableMap<IdType, ObjectType>.(newValue: InputValueType) -> Pair<IdType, ObjectType>): MapCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType>

MutableMap-based MapCRUDRepo. All internal operations will be locked with locker

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inline fun <FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue> mapper(noinline keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey = { this as ToKey }, noinline valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue = { this as ToValue }, noinline keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey = { this as FromKey }, noinline valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue = { this as FromValue }): SimpleMapperRepo<FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue>
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fun <T> MapsReposDefaultMutableSharedFlow(): MutableSharedFlow<T>
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suspend fun <T> SQLiteOpenHelper.readableTransaction(block: suspend SQLiteDatabase.() -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.remove(vararg keysAndValues: Pair<Key, List<Value>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.remove(keysAndValues: List<Pair<Key, List<Value>>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.remove(k: Key, vararg v: Value)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.remove(k: Key, v: List<Value>)
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fun String, columns: Array<String>? = null, selection: String? = null, selectionArgs: Array<String>? = null, groupBy: String? = null, having: String? = null, orderBy: String? = null, limit: String? = null): Cursor
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fun SQLiteDatabase.selectDistinct(table: String, columns: Array<String>? = null, selection: String? = null, selectionArgs: Array<String>? = null, groupBy: String? = null, having: String? = null, orderBy: String? = null, limit: String? = null): Cursor
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inline suspend fun <Key, Value, REPO : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.set(vararg keysAndValues: Pair<Key, List<Value>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value, REPO : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.set(keysAndValues: List<Pair<Key, List<Value>>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>.set(vararg toSet: Pair<Key, Value>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>.set(toSet: List<Pair<Key, Value>>)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>.set(k: Key, v: Value)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.set(k: Key, vararg v: Value)
inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>.set(k: Key, v: List<Value>)
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suspend fun <T> SQLiteDatabase.transaction(block: suspend SQLiteDatabase.() -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>.unset(vararg k: Key)
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inline suspend fun <Key, Value> WriteKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>.unsetWithValues(vararg v: Value)
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suspend fun <T> SQLiteOpenHelper.writableTransaction(block: suspend SQLiteDatabase.() -> T): T