
constructor(removed: List<@Serializable(with = IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>>, replaced: List<Pair<@Serializable(with = IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>, @Serializable(with = IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>>>, added: List<@Serializable(with = IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>>)(source)



The objects which has been presented in the old collection but absent in new one. Index here is the index in the old collection


The object which appear in new collection only. Indexes here show the index in the new collection


Pair of old-new changes. First object has been presented in the old collection on its IndexedValue.index place, the second one is the object in new collection. Both have indexes due to the fact that in case when some value has been replaced after adds or removes in original collection the object index will be changed