# MicroUtils --- **`Klock` module initial commit based on [korlibs/korge](https://github.com/korlibs/korge) and [korlibs/korlibs4](https://github.com/korlibs/korlibs4)** --- This is a library with collection of tools for working in Kotlin environment. First of all, this library collection is oriented to use next technologies: * [`Kotlin Coroutines`](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines) * [`Kotlin Serialization`](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization) * [`Kotlin Exposed`](https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed) * [`Ktor`](https://ktor.io)
Android environment You always can look at the properties file to get information about current project dependencies, compile and build tools for `Android` target.
## Projects * `common` contains common tools for platform which usually are absent out-of-the-box when you starting project * `selector` contains tools to use `Selector` interface with things like `RecyclerView` in android or other selection needs * `coroutines` is a module for `Kotlin Coroutines` with different things like subscribing on flows (`onEach` + `launchIn` shortcut :) ) * `ktor` is a set of modules for `client`s and `server`s * `mime_types` is NOT lightweight set of `MimeType`s with a lot of different objected and serializable (with `Kotlin Serialization`) mime types * `pagination` is a complex of modules (explanation in [Complex modules structure](#complex-modules-structure) section) for lightweight pagination * `serialization` is a collection of projects with serializers for `kotlinx.serialization` * `repos` is a complex of modules (explanation in [Complex modules structure](#complex-modules-structure) section) for `KeyValue`/`OneToMany`/`CRUD` repos created to be able to exclude some heavy dependencies when you need some simple and lightweight typical repositories ## Complex modules structure Most of complex modules are built with next hierarchy: * `common` submodule for `API` things which are common for all platforms * `exposed` submodule contains realizations for exposed tables * `ktor` submodule is usually unavailable directly, because it contains its own submodules for clients and servers * `common` part contains routes which are common for clients and servers * `client` submodule contains clients which are usually using `UnifiedRequester` to make requests using routes from `ktor/common` module and some internal logic of requests * `server` submodule (in most cases `JVM`-only) contains some extensions for `Route` instances which usually will give opportunity to proxy internet requests from `ktor/client` realization to some proxy object