
fun <TEngine, TConfiguration> createKtorServer(engine: <ERROR CLASS><TEngine, TConfiguration>, host: String = "localhost", port: Int = Random.nextInt(1024, 65535), block: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit): TEngine
fun <TEngine, TConfiguration> createKtorServer(engine: <ERROR CLASS><TEngine, TConfiguration>, host: String = "localhost", port: Int = Random.nextInt(1024, 65535), configurators: List<KtorApplicationConfigurator>): TEngine

fun createKtorServer(host: String = "localhost", port: Int = Random.nextInt(1024, 65535), block: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit): <ERROR CLASS>
fun createKtorServer(host: String = "localhost", port: Int = Random.nextInt(1024, 65535), configurators: List<KtorApplicationConfigurator>): <ERROR CLASS>

Create server with CIO server engine without starting of it

See also
