Package-level declarations


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class AccumulatorFlow<T>(sourceDataFlow: Flow<T>, scope: CoroutineScope) : AbstractFlow<T>

This Flow will have behaviour very similar to SharedFlow, but there are several differences:

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interface ActorAction<T>
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ExceptionHandler wrapper which was created to make possible to use handler across all coroutines calls

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class DeferredAction<T, O>(val deferred: Deferred<T>, val callback: suspend (T) -> O)
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class DoWithFirstBuilder<T>(scope: CoroutineScope)
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typealias ExceptionHandler<T> = suspend (Throwable) -> T
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class FlowOnHierarchyChangeListener(recursive: Boolean = false, _onChildViewAdded: MutableSharedFlow<Pair<View, View>> = MutableSharedFlow(extraBufferCapacity = Int.MAX_VALUE), _onChildViewRemoved: MutableSharedFlow<Pair<View, View>> = MutableSharedFlow(extraBufferCapacity = Int.MAX_VALUE)) : ViewGroup.OnHierarchyChangeListener

kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow-based android.view.ViewGroup.OnHierarchyChangeListener

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interface SmartMutex

It is interface which will work like classic Mutex, but in difference have lockStateFlow for listening of the SmartMutex state.

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class SmartRWLocker(readPermits: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, writeIsLocked: Boolean = false)

Composite mutex which works with next rules:

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interface SmartSemaphore

It is interface which will work like classic Semaphore, but in difference have permitsStateFlow for listening of the SmartSemaphore state.

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open class SpecialMutableStateFlow<T>(initialValue: T, internalScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)) : StateFlow<T> , FlowCollector<T> , MutableSharedFlow<T>

Works like StateFlow, but guarantee that latest value update will always be delivered to each active subscriber


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val <T> T.asDeferred: Deferred<T>
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val Default: CoroutineDispatcher
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This instance will be used in all calls of safely where exception handler has not been passed

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This instance will be used in all calls of safelyWithoutExceptions as an exception handler for safely call

Use this handler in cases you wish to include handling of exceptions by defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandler and returning null at one time

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val IO: CoroutineDispatcher
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val UI: MainCoroutineDispatcher


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fun <T> Channel<T>.accumulatorFlow(scope: CoroutineScope): Flow<T>

Creates AccumulatorFlow using this with receiveAsFlow to get

fun <T> Flow<T>.accumulatorFlow(scope: CoroutineScope): Flow<T>

Creates AccumulatorFlow using this as base Flow

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fun <T> Int = Channel.UNLIMITED, block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Channel<T>
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fun <T> CoroutineScope.actorAsync(channelCapacity: Int = Channel.UNLIMITED, markerFactory: suspend (T) -> Any? = { null }, block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Channel<T>
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inline fun <T> CoroutineScope.asyncSafely(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T>
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inline fun <T> CoroutineScope.asyncSafelyWithoutExceptions(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T?>
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suspend fun <T> Iterable<Deferred<T>>.awaitFirst(cancelOthers: Boolean = true): T
suspend fun <T> Iterable<Deferred<T>>.awaitFirst(scope: CoroutineScope, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): T
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suspend fun <T> Iterable<Deferred<T>>.awaitFirstWithDeferred(scope: CoroutineScope, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): Pair<Deferred<T>, T>
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fun <T, O> Deferred<T>.buildAction(callback: suspend (T) -> O): DeferredAction<T, O>
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inline fun CoroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext, noinline defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>): CoroutineScope
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fun CoroutineScope.createActionsActor(): Channel<suspend () -> Unit>

Planned to use with doWithSuspending. Will execute incoming lambdas sequentially

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inline fun CoroutineScope.createSafeActionsActor(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler): Channel<suspend () -> Unit>

Planned to use with doWithSuspending. Will execute incoming lambdas sequentially

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inline suspend fun <T> doIn(context: CoroutineContext, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <T> doInDefault(noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <T> doInIO(noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <T> doInUI(noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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suspend fun <T> doOutsideOfCoroutine(block: () -> T): T

Call this method in case you need to do something in common thread (like reading of file in JVM)

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fun <T> doSynchronously(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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fun <T> CoroutineScope.doSynchronously(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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suspend fun <T> Channel<suspend () -> Unit>.doWithSuspending(action: ActorAction<T>): T

Must be use with actor created by createActionsActor or createSafeActionsActor. Will send lambda which will execute action and return result.

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fun <T> Flow<T>.filterNotNull(): Flow<T & Any>
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suspend fun <T> List<Deferred<T>>.first(scope: CoroutineScope, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): T
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suspend fun <T> Flow<T?>.firstNotNull(): T
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suspend fun <T> CoroutineScope.firstOf(vararg variants: Deferred<T>, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): T
suspend fun <T> CoroutineScope.firstOf(cancelOnResult: Boolean = true, block: DoWithFirstBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): T
suspend fun <T> CoroutineScope.firstOf(variants: Iterable<Deferred<T>>, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): T
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@JvmName(name = "flatMapIterable")
inline fun <T, R> Flow<Iterable<T>>.flatMap(crossinline mapper: suspend (T) -> R): Flow<R>
inline fun <T, R> Flow<Flow<T>>.flatMap(crossinline mapper: suspend (T) -> R): Flow<R>
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@JvmName(name = "flatMapNotNullIterable")
inline fun <T, R> Flow<Iterable<T>>.flatMapNotNull(crossinline mapper: suspend (T) -> R): Flow<R & Any>
inline fun <T, R> Flow<Flow<T>>.flatMapNotNull(crossinline mapper: suspend (T) -> R): Flow<R & Any>
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@JvmName(name = "flattenIterable")
fun <T> Flow<Iterable<T>>.flatten(): Flow<T>
fun <T> Flow<Flow<T>>.flatten(): Flow<T>
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inline suspend operator fun <T> FlowCollector<T>.invoke(value: T)
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suspend fun <O> invokeFirstOf(scope: CoroutineScope, vararg variants: DeferredAction<*, O>, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): O
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suspend fun <O> Iterable<DeferredAction<*, O>>.invokeFirstOf(scope: CoroutineScope, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true): O
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suspend fun <T, O> invokeOnFirst(scope: CoroutineScope, vararg variants: Deferred<T>, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true, callback: suspend (T) -> O): O
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suspend fun <T, O> Iterable<Deferred<T>>.invokeOnFirst(scope: CoroutineScope, cancelOnResult: Boolean = true, callback: suspend (T) -> O): O
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suspend fun <T, O> CoroutineScope.invokeOnFirstOf(cancelOnResult: Boolean = true, block: DoWithFirstBuilder<T>.() -> Unit, callback: suspend (T) -> O): O
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fun <T> launchInCurrentThread(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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inline fun CoroutineScope.launchSafely(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
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inline fun CoroutineScope.launchSafelyWithoutExceptions(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
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fun <T> launchSynchronously(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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fun <T> CoroutineScope.launchSynchronously(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
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fun CoroutineScope.LinkedSupervisorJob(additionalContext: CoroutineContext? = null): CoroutineContext
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fun CoroutineScope.LinkedSupervisorScope(additionalContext: CoroutineContext? = null): CoroutineScope
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inline operator fun <T> Flow<T>.plus(other: Flow<T>): Flow<T>
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suspend fun preloadImage(src: String): Image
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inline suspend fun <T> runCatchingSafely(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Result<T>
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inline suspend fun <T, R> T.runCatchingSafely(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<R> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend T.() -> R): Result<R>
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inline suspend fun <T> runCatchingSafelyWithoutExceptions(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Result<T?>
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inline fun <T> CoroutineScope.safeActor(channelCapacity: Int = Channel.UNLIMITED, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, crossinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Channel<T>
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inline fun <T> CoroutineScope.safeActorAsync(channelCapacity: Int = Channel.UNLIMITED, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline markerFactory: suspend (T) -> Any? = { null }, crossinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Channel<T>
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inline suspend fun <T> safely(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

It will run block inside of supervisorScope to avoid problems with catching of exceptions

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suspend fun <T> safelyWithContextExceptionHandler(contextExceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>, safelyExceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler<T> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

This method will set new coroutineContext with ContextSafelyExceptionHandler. In case if coroutineContext already contains ContextSafelyExceptionHandler, ContextSafelyExceptionHandler.handler will be used BEFORE contextExceptionHandler in case of exception.

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inline suspend fun <T> safelyWithoutExceptions(noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T?

Shortcut for safely with exception handler, that as expected must return null in case of impossible creating of result from exception (instead of throwing it, by default always returns null)

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inline suspend fun <T> safelyWithResult(noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Result<T>
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inline suspend fun <T, R> T.safelyWithResult(noinline block: suspend T.() -> R): Result<R>
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suspend fun selectFileOrNull(inputSetup: (HTMLInputElement) -> Unit = {}, onFailure: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}): MPPFile?
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suspend fun selectFileOrThrow(inputSetup: (HTMLInputElement) -> Unit = {}): MPPFile
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Use ViewGroup.setOnHierarchyChangeListener recursively for all available ViewGroups starting with this. This extension DO NOT guarantee that recursive subscription will happen after this method call

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inline fun <T> Flow<T>.subscribe(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job

Shortcut for chain if Flow.onEach and Flow.launchIn

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fun <T, M> Flow<T>.subscribeAsync(scope: CoroutineScope, markerFactory: suspend (T) -> M, block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job
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inline fun <T> Flow<T>.subscribeSafely(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job

Use subscribe, but all blocks will be called inside of safely function. Use onException to set up your reaction for Throwables

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inline fun <T, M> Flow<T>.subscribeSafelyAsync(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline markerFactory: suspend (T) -> M, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<Unit> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job
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inline fun <T> Flow<T>.subscribeSafelySkippingExceptions(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job

Use subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions, but all exceptions inside of safely will be skipped

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inline fun <T, M> Flow<T>.subscribeSafelySkippingExceptionsAsync(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline markerFactory: suspend (T) -> M, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job
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inline fun <T> Flow<T>.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job

Use subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions, but all exceptions will be passed to defaultSafelyExceptionHandler

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inline fun <T, M> Flow<T>.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptionsAsync(scope: CoroutineScope, noinline markerFactory: suspend (T) -> M, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<T?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull, noinline block: suspend (T) -> Unit): Job
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fun <T> Flow<T>.takeNotNull(): Flow<T & Any>
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suspend fun Blob.toByteArray(): ByteArray
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suspend fun SmartRWLocker.waitReadRelease(permits: Int = 1): Int

Will wait until the SmartSemaphore.permitsStateFlow of this instance will have permits count free permits.

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suspend fun SmartSemaphore.waitRelease(permits: Int = 1): Int

Will wait until the SmartSemaphore.permitsStateFlow of this instance will have permits count free permits.

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Will wait until the SmartMutex.lockStateFlow of this instance will be false.

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Will wait until the SmartMutex.lockStateFlow of this instance will be false.

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fun <T> CoroutineScope.weakAsync(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T>
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fun CoroutineScope.weakLaunch(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
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inline suspend fun <T> SmartSemaphore.Mutable.withAcquire(permits: Int = 1, action: () -> T): T

Will call SmartSemaphore.Mutable.lock, then execute action and return the result after SmartSemaphore.Mutable.unlock

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inline suspend fun <T> SmartMutex.Mutable.withLock(action: () -> T): T

Will call SmartMutex.Mutable.lock, then execute action and return the result after SmartMutex.Mutable.unlock

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inline suspend fun <T> SmartRWLocker.withReadAcquire(action: () -> T): T

Will call SmartSemaphore.Mutable.lock, then execute action and return the result after SmartSemaphore.Mutable.unlock

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inline suspend fun <T> SmartRWLocker.withWriteLock(action: () -> T): T

Will call SmartMutex.Mutable.lock, then execute action and return the result after SmartMutex.Mutable.unlock