@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ data class Diff<T> internal constructor(
val replaced: List<Pair<@Serializable(IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>, @Serializable(IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>>>,
val added: List<@Serializable(IndexedValueSerializer::class) IndexedValue<T>>
) {
fun isEmpty(): Boolean = removed.isEmpty() && replaced.isEmpty() && added.isEmpty()
fun <T> emptyDiff(): Diff<T> = Diff(emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList())
private inline fun <T> performChanges(
potentialChanges: MutableList<Pair<IndexedValue<T>?, IndexedValue<T>?>>,
@ -43,14 +47,14 @@ private inline fun <T> performChanges(
changedList: MutableList<Pair<IndexedValue<T>, IndexedValue<T>>>,
removedList: MutableList<IndexedValue<T>>,
addedList: MutableList<IndexedValue<T>>,
strictComparison: Boolean
comparisonFun: (T?, T?) -> Boolean
) {
var i = -1
val (oldObject, newObject) = potentialChanges.lastOrNull() ?: return
for ((old, new) in potentialChanges.take(potentialChanges.size - 1)) {
val oldOneEqualToNewObject = old ?.value === newObject ?.value || (old ?.value == newObject ?.value && !strictComparison)
val newOneEqualToOldObject = new ?.value === oldObject ?.value || (new ?.value == oldObject ?.value && !strictComparison)
val oldOneEqualToNewObject = comparisonFun(old ?.value, newObject ?.value)
val newOneEqualToOldObject = comparisonFun(new ?.value, oldObject ?.value)
if (oldOneEqualToNewObject || newOneEqualToOldObject) {
potentialChanges.take(i).mapNotNull {
@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ private inline fun <T> performChanges(
fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateDiff(
other: Iterable<T>,
strictComparison: Boolean = false
comparisonFun: (T?, T?) -> Boolean
): Diff<T> {
var i = -1
var j = -1
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateDiff(
when {
oldObject === newObject || (oldObject == newObject && !strictComparison) -> {
comparisonFun(oldObject, newObject) -> {
changedObjects.addAll(potentiallyChangedObjects.map {
it as Pair<IndexedValue<T>, IndexedValue<T>>
@ -143,23 +147,49 @@ fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateDiff(
potentiallyChangedObjects.add(oldObject ?.let { IndexedValue(i, oldObject) } to newObject ?.let { IndexedValue(j, newObject) })
val previousOldsAdditionsSize = additionalInOld.size
val previousNewsAdditionsSize = additionalInNew.size
performChanges(potentiallyChangedObjects, additionalInOld, additionalInNew, changedObjects, removedObjects, addedObjects, strictComparison)
performChanges(potentiallyChangedObjects, additionalInOld, additionalInNew, changedObjects, removedObjects, addedObjects, comparisonFun)
i -= (additionalInOld.size - previousOldsAdditionsSize)
j -= (additionalInNew.size - previousNewsAdditionsSize)
potentiallyChangedObjects.add(null to null)
performChanges(potentiallyChangedObjects, additionalInOld, additionalInNew, changedObjects, removedObjects, addedObjects, strictComparison)
performChanges(potentiallyChangedObjects, additionalInOld, additionalInNew, changedObjects, removedObjects, addedObjects, comparisonFun)
return Diff(removedObjects.toList(), changedObjects.toList(), addedObjects.toList())
* Calculating [Diff] object
* @param strictComparison If this parameter set to true, objects which are not equal by links will be used as different
* objects. For example, in case of two "Example" string they will be equal by value, but CAN be different by links
fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateDiff(
other: Iterable<T>,
strictComparison: Boolean = false
): Diff<T> = calculateDiff(
comparisonFun = if (strictComparison) {
{ t1, t2 ->
t1 === t2
} else {
{ t1, t2 ->
t1 === t2 || t1 == t2 // small optimization for cases when t1 and t2 are the same - comparison will be faster potentially
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.diff(
other: Iterable<T>,
strictComparison: Boolean = false
): Diff<T> = calculateDiff(other, strictComparison)
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.diff(
other: Iterable<T>,
noinline comparisonFun: (T?, T?) -> Boolean
): Diff<T> = calculateDiff(other, comparisonFun)
inline fun <T> Diff(old: Iterable<T>, new: Iterable<T>) = old.calculateDiff(new)
inline fun <T> Diff(old: Iterable<T>, new: Iterable<T>) = old.calculateDiff(new, strictComparison = false)
inline fun <T> StrictDiff(old: Iterable<T>, new: Iterable<T>) = old.calculateDiff(new, true)
@ -187,3 +217,22 @@ fun <T> MutableList<T>.applyDiff(
set(new.index, new.value)
* This method call [calculateDiff] with strict mode [strictComparison] and then apply differences to [this]
* mutable list
fun <T> MutableList<T>.applyDiff(
source: Iterable<T>,
comparisonFun: (T?, T?) -> Boolean
): Diff<T> = calculateDiff(source, comparisonFun).also {
for (i in it.removed.indices.sortedDescending()) {
it.added.forEach { (i, t) ->
add(i, t)
it.replaced.forEach { (_, new) ->
set(new.index, new.value)