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2024-01-04 13:53:43 +00:00
package dev.inmo.micro_utils.colors.common
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.floor
* Wrapper for RGBA colors. Receiving [UInt] in main constructor. Each part in main constructor
* configured with `0x00 - 0xff` range. Examples:
* * Red: `0xff0000ffu`
* * Red (0.5 capacity): `0xff000088u`
* Anyway it is recommended to use
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* @param hexaUInt rgba [UInt] in format `0xFFEEBBAA` where FF - red, EE - green, BB - blue` and AA - alpha
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value class HEXAColor (
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val hexaUInt: UInt
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) : Comparable<HEXAColor> {
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* @returns [hexaUInt] as a string with format `#FFEEBBAA` where FF - red, EE - green, BB - blue and AA - alpha
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val hexa: String
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get() = "#${hexaUInt.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')}"
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* @returns [hexaUInt] as a string with format `#FFEEBB` where FF - red, EE - green and BB - blue
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val hex: String
get() = hexa.take(7)
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* @returns [hexaUInt] as a string with format `#AAFFEEBB` where AA - alpha, FF - red, EE - green and BB - blue
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val ahex: String
get() = "#${a.toString(16).padStart(2, '2')}${hex.drop(1)}"
val rgba: String
get() = "rgba($r,$g,$b,${aOfOne.toString().take(5)})"
val rgb: String
get() = "rgb($r,$g,$b)"
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val shortHex: String
get() = "#${r.shortPart()}${g.shortPart()}${b.shortPart()}"
val shortHexa: String
get() = "$shortHex${a.shortPart()}"
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val rgbUInt: UInt
get() = (hexaUInt / 256u)
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val rgbInt: Int
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get() = rgbUInt.toInt()
val ahexUInt
get() = (a * 0x1000000).toUInt() + rgbUInt
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val r: Int
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get() = ((hexaUInt and 0xff000000u) / 0x1000000u).toInt()
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val g: Int
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get() = ((hexaUInt and 0x00ff0000u) / 0x10000u).toInt()
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val b: Int
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get() = ((hexaUInt and 0x0000ff00u) / 0x100u).toInt()
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val a: Int
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get() = ((hexaUInt and 0x000000ffu)).toInt()
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val aOfOne: Float
get() = a.toFloat() / (0xff)
init {
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require(hexaUInt in 0u ..0xffffffffu)
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constructor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int) : this(
((r * 0x1000000).toLong() + g * 0x10000 + b * 0x100 + a).toUInt()
) {
require(r in 0 ..0xff)
require(g in 0 ..0xff)
require(b in 0 ..0xff)
require(a in 0 ..0xff)
constructor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, aOfOne: Float = 1f) : this(
r = r, g = g, b = b, a = (aOfOne * 0xff).toInt()
override fun toString(): String {
return hexa
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override fun compareTo(other: HEXAColor): Int = (hexaUInt - other.hexaUInt).coerceIn(Int.MIN_VALUE.toUInt(), Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong().toUInt()).toInt()
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fun copy(
r: Int = this.r,
g: Int = this.g,
b: Int = this.b,
aOfOne: Float = this.aOfOne
) = HEXAColor(r = r, g = g, b = b, aOfOne = aOfOne)
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fun copy(
r: Int = this.r,
g: Int = this.g,
b: Int = this.b,
a: Int
) = HEXAColor(r = r, g = g, b = b, a = a)
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companion object {
* Parsing color from [color]
* Supported formats samples (on Red color based):
* * `#f00`
* * `#f00f`
* * `#ff0000`
* * `#ff0000ff`
* * `rgb(255, 0, 0)`
* * `rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)`
fun parseStringColor(color: String): HEXAColor = when {
color.startsWith("#") -> color.removePrefix("#").let { color ->
when (color.length) {
3 -> color.map { "$it$it" }.joinToString(separator = "", postfix = "ff")
4 -> color.take(3).map { "$it$it" }.joinToString(separator = "", postfix = color.takeLast(1).let { "${it}0" })
6 -> "${color}ff"
8 -> color
else -> error("Malfurmed color string: $color. It is expected that color started with # will contains 3, 6 or 8 valuable parts")
color.startsWith("rgb(") -> color
.replace(Regex("\\s"), "")
.joinToString("", postfix = "ff") {
it.toInt().toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
2024-01-04 13:53:43 +00:00
color.startsWith("rgba(") -> color
.replace(Regex("\\s"), "")
.split(",").let {
it.take(3).map { it.toInt().toString(16).padStart(2, '0') } + (it.last().toFloat() * 0xff).toInt().toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
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else -> color
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* Creates [HEXAColor] from [uint] presume it is in format `0xFFEEBBAA` where FF - red, EE - green, BB - blue` and AA - alpha
fun fromHexa(uint: UInt) = HEXAColor(uint)
* Creates [HEXAColor] from [uint] presume it is in format `0xAAFFEEBB` where AA - alpha, FF - red, EE - green and BB - blue`
fun fromAhex(uint: UInt) = HEXAColor(
a = ((uint and 0xff000000u) / 0x1000000u).toInt(),
r = ((uint and 0x00ff0000u) / 0x10000u).toInt(),
g = ((uint and 0x0000ff00u) / 0x100u).toInt(),
b = ((uint and 0x000000ffu)).toInt()
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* Parsing color from [color]
* Supported formats samples (on Red color based):
* * `#f00`
* * `#ff0000`
* * `#ff0000ff`
* * `rgb(255, 0, 0)`
* * `rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)`
operator fun invoke(color: String) = parseStringColor(color)
private fun Int.shortPart(): String {
return (floor(toFloat() / 16)).toInt().toString(16)