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< title > [android]CustomizableHandlerHolder< / title >
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< h1 class = "cover" > < span > Customizable< / span > < wbr > < / wbr > < span > Handler< / span > < wbr > < / wbr > < span > < span > Holder< / span > < / span > < / h1 >
< div class = "platform-hinted " data-platform-hinted = "data-platform-hinted" > < div class = "content sourceset-depenent-content" data-active = "" data-togglable = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "symbol monospace" > class < a href = "index.html" > CustomizableHandlerHolder< / a > < < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > : < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > , < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > : < a href = "../[android]-state/index.html" > State< / a > > (delegateTo: < a href = "../[android]-states-handler/index.html" > StatesHandler< / a > < < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > , < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > > , filter: suspend (< a href = "index.html" > O< / a > ) -> < a href = "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html" > Boolean< / a > ) : < a href = "../[android]-checkable-handler-holder/index.html" > CheckableHandlerHolder< / a > < < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > , < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > > < span class = "top-right-position" > < span class = "copy-icon" > < / span > < div class = "copy-popup-wrapper popup-to-left" > < span class = "copy-popup-icon" > < / span > < span > Content copied to clipboard< / span > < / div > < / span > < / div > < p class = "paragraph" > Default realization of < a href = "../[android]-states-handler/index.html" > StatesHandler< / a > . It will incapsulate checking of < a href = "../[android]-state/index.html" > State< / a > type in < a href = "check-handleable.html" > checkHandleable< / a > and class casting in < a href = "handle-state.html" > handleState< / a > < / p > < / div > < / div >
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< div class = "" > < span class = "inline-flex" > < a href = "-customizable-handler-holder.html" > CustomizableHandlerHolder< / a > < span class = "anchor-wrapper" > < span class = "anchor-icon" pointing-to = "-1426844370%2FConstructors%2F-1837788132" > < / span >
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< div class = "platform-hinted " data-platform-hinted = "data-platform-hinted" > < div class = "content sourceset-depenent-content" data-active = "" data-togglable = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "symbol monospace" > fun < < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > : < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > , < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > : < a href = "../[android]-state/index.html" > State< / a > > < a href = "-customizable-handler-holder.html" > CustomizableHandlerHolder< / a > (delegateTo: < a href = "../[android]-states-handler/index.html" > StatesHandler< / a > < < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > , < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > > , filter: suspend (< a href = "index.html" > O< / a > ) -> < a href = "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html" > Boolean< / a > )< span class = "top-right-position" > < span class = "copy-icon" > < / span > < div class = "copy-popup-wrapper popup-to-left" > < span class = "copy-popup-icon" > < / span > < span > Content copied to clipboard< / span > < / div > < / span > < / div > < / div > < / div >
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< div class = "table" data-togglable = "Functions" > < a data-name = "-110026684%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" anchor-label = "checkHandleable" id = "-110026684%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" data-filterable-set = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < / a >
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< div class = "" > < span class = "inline-flex" > < a href = "check-handleable.html" > < span > check< / span > < wbr > < / wbr > < span > < span > Handleable< / span > < / span > < / a > < span class = "anchor-wrapper" > < span class = "anchor-icon" pointing-to = "-110026684%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" > < / span >
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< div class = "title" > < div class = "divergent-group" data-filterable-current = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" data-filterable-set = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "with-platform-tags" > < span class = "pull-right" > < / span > < / div >
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< div class = "platform-hinted " data-platform-hinted = "data-platform-hinted" > < div class = "content sourceset-depenent-content" data-active = "" data-togglable = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "symbol monospace" > open suspend override fun < a href = "check-handleable.html" > checkHandleable< / a > (state: < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > ): < a href = "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html" > Boolean< / a > < span class = "top-right-position" > < span class = "copy-icon" > < / span > < div class = "copy-popup-wrapper popup-to-left" > < span class = "copy-popup-icon" > < / span > < span > Content copied to clipboard< / span > < / div > < / span > < / div > < / div > < / div >
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2021-11-05 16:00:14 +00:00
< div class = "brief " > < p class = "paragraph" > Checks that < a href = "check-handleable.html" > state< / a > can be handled by < span data-unresolved-link = "dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common/CustomizableHandlerHolder/delegateTo/#/PointingToDeclaration/" > delegateTo< / span > . Under the hood it will check exact equality of < a href = "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.reflect/-k-class/index.html" > state< / a > and use < a href = "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.reflect/-k-class/is-instance.html" > KClass.isInstance< / a > of inputKlass if strict == false< / p > < / div > < / div >
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< a data-name = "1405605635%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" anchor-label = "handleState" id = "1405605635%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" data-filterable-set = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < / a >
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< div class = "" > < span class = "inline-flex" > < a href = "handle-state.html" > < span > handle< / span > < wbr > < / wbr > < span > < span > State< / span > < / span > < / a > < span class = "anchor-wrapper" > < span class = "anchor-icon" pointing-to = "1405605635%2FFunctions%2F-1837788132" > < / span >
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< div class = "platform-tag jvm-like" > android< / div >
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< div class = "title" > < div class = "divergent-group" data-filterable-current = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" data-filterable-set = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "with-platform-tags" > < span class = "pull-right" > < / span > < / div >
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< div class = "platform-hinted " data-platform-hinted = "data-platform-hinted" > < div class = "content sourceset-depenent-content" data-active = "" data-togglable = ":micro_utils.dokka:dokkaHtml/androidMain" > < div class = "symbol monospace" > open suspend override fun < a href = "../[android]-states-machine/index.html" > StatesMachine< / a > < in < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > > .< a href = "handle-state.html" > handleState< / a > (state: < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > ): < a href = "index.html" > O< / a > ?< span class = "top-right-position" > < span class = "copy-icon" > < / span > < div class = "copy-popup-wrapper popup-to-left" > < span class = "copy-popup-icon" > < / span > < span > Content copied to clipboard< / span > < / div > < / span > < / div > < / div > < / div >
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2021-11-05 16:00:14 +00:00
< div class = "brief " > < p class = "paragraph" > Calls < span data-unresolved-link = "dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common/CustomizableHandlerHolder/delegateTo/#/PointingToDeclaration/" > delegateTo< / span > method < a href = "../[android]-states-handler/handle-state.html" > StatesHandler.handleState< / a > with < a href = "handle-state.html" > state< / a > casted to < a href = "index.html" > I< / a > . Use < a href = "check-handleable.html" > checkHandleable< / a > to be sure that this StatesHandlerHolder will be able to handle < a href = "handle-state.html" > state< / a > < / p > < / div > < / div >
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