2022-11-03 13:22:23 +06:00
# KSLog
It is simple and easy-to-use tool for logging on the most popular platforms in Kotlin Multiplatform:
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2022-11-28 13:28:13 +06:00

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2022-06-09 02:06:05 +06:00
2023-06-10 18:16:35 +06:00
2022-06-09 02:06:05 +06:00
2022-11-03 13:22:23 +06:00
By default, KSLog is using built-in tools for logging on each supported platform:
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* `java.util.logging.Logger` for `JVM`
* `android.util.Log` for `Android`
* `Console` for `JS`
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But you always may create your logger and customize as you wish:
KSLog.default = KSLog { level: LogLevel, tag: String?, message: Any, throwable: Throwable? ->
// do your logging
**This library also supports native targets in experimental mode. By default all native targets will use simple printing in the console**
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## How to use
### Fast-travel
Just use some boring extensions like:
KSLog.i("Some message")
// OR
KSLog.i("Some tag", "Some message")
// OR
KSLog.i("Some tag", "Some message", IllegalArgumentException("So, that is exception :)"))
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// OR
KSLog.i("Some optional tag", Exception("Optional")) { "Lazy inited message" }
// OR
KSLog.iS("Some optional tag", Exception("Optional")) { "Lazy inited message for suspendable calculation of text" }
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KSLog.l(LogLevel.INFO, "Some tag", "Some message", IllegalArgumentException("So, that is exception :)"))
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// OR
KSLog.l(LogLevel.INFO, "Some optional tag", IllegalArgumentException("So, that is exception :)")) { "And lazily inited message" }
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### A little bit deeper
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There are several important "terms" in context of this library:
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* Default logger (available via `KSLog.default` or simply `KSLog` )
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* Local logger (can be created via `KSLog` functions and passed anywhere as `KSLog` )
* Logging shortcuts like `KSLog.i` /`KSLog.info`
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* Built-in extension `Any.logger` which allow you to create logger binded to the default with the tag based on the class of receiver
* __Be careful with the receivers: if you will use some extension like `apply` , the receiver will be different with your class inside of that `apply` __
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2022-06-12 02:44:29 +06:00
Every logging extension (like `KSLog.i` ) have its analog with lazy inited message text and the same one with suffix `S` (like `KSLog.iS` ) for the suspendable message calculation.
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Default logger can be created by passing `defaultTag` and one of variants log level filters: set or minimal loggable level. In `JVM` you also may setup any logger as base logger for default realizations of `KSLog` . Besides, you may use your own callback (on **any target platform** ) as output of logging:
val logger = KSLog { logLevel, optionalTag, message, optionalThrowable ->
println("[$logLevel] $optionalTag - $message: $optionalThrowable.stackTraceToString()")
In the example above we will take the `logger` which will just print incoming data as common output.
## Installation
### Gradle
implementation "dev.inmo:kslog:$kslog_version"
### Maven
< dependency >
< groupId > dev.inmo< / groupId >
< artifactId > kslog< / artifactId >
< version > ${kslog_version}< / version >
< / dependency >
2022-06-07 13:17:21 +04:00