package dev.inmo.jsuikit.elements import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import dev.inmo.jsuikit.buildAndAddAttribute import dev.inmo.jsuikit.modifiers.* import dev.inmo.jsuikit.utils.Attrs import dev.inmo.jsuikit.utils.Milliseconds import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.* import org.w3c.dom.HTMLAnchorElement import org.w3c.dom.HTMLDivElement @Composable fun Alert( attrs: Attrs = Attrs.empty(), animation: UIKitAnimation? = UIKitAnimation.Fade, duration: Milliseconds? = null, selClose: String? = null, content: ContentBuilder ) = Div( { attrs.builder(this) include(UIKitAlert) buildAndAddAttribute("uk-alert") { "animation" to animation ?.classes ?.firstOrNull() "duration" to duration "sel-close" to selClose } }, content ) @Composable fun AlertCloseButton( attrs: Attrs = Attrs.empty(), content: ContentBuilder = @Composable {} ) { A( null, { include(UIKitAlert.Close, UIKitIcon) attr("uk-close", "") classes("uk-close") attrs.builder(this) }, content ) }