package dev.inmo.jsuikit.modifiers import dev.inmo.jsuikit.utils.buildAttribute import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.selectors.CSSSelector import kotlin.time.Duration sealed class UIKitTab( override val classes: Array = emptyArray(), override val otherAttrs: Map = emptyMap() ) : UIKitModifier { sealed class Position( classes: Array = emptyArray(), otherAttrs: Map = emptyMap() ) : UIKitTab(classes, otherAttrs) { object Bottom : Position(arrayOf("uk-tab-bottom")) object Left : Position(arrayOf("uk-tab-left")) object Right : Position(arrayOf("uk-tab-right")) } class Custom( connect: CSSSelector? = null, toggle: CSSSelector? = null, active: Int? = null, animationsIn: Array? = null, animationsOut: Array? = null, animationDuration: Duration? = null, swiping: Boolean? = null, media: String? = null ) : UIKitTab( arrayOf("uk-tab"), mapOf( buildAttribute("uk-tab") { "connect" to connect "toggle" to toggle "active" to active "animation" to ( (animationsIn ?.let { it.joinToString(" ") { } } ?: "") + (animationsOut ?.let { it.joinToString(" ", ",") { } } ?: "") ).takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } "duration" to animationDuration "swiping" to swiping "media" to media } ) ) companion object : UIKitTab(arrayOf("uk-tab"), mapOf("uk-tab" to "")) }