{ "botConfig": { "botToken": "bot token from @BotFather", "apiUrl": "(optional) can be used if you are using your bot server", "clientConfig": { "proxy": { "host": "localhost", "port": 1080, "username": "optional", "password": "optional" }, "connectTimeout": "(optional) number, milliseconds", "writeTimeout": "(optional) number, milliseconds", "readTimeout": "(optional) number, milliseconds" } }, "templates": [ { "title": "Some example", "formats": [ { "template": "Some message which will be sent after clicking on option and opportunity to use format options from java with splitting of incoming query by splitBy option", "regexTemplate": "Some regex, by default it is ^$ which means empty string", "splitBy": "Optional splitter, by default is null but the most regular case is to use \" \" to split query by spaces", "enableMarkdownSupport": false, "enableMarkdownSupport_description": "THAT IS NOT A FIELD. enableMarkdownSupport is a flat to use markdown 2 markup with template" } ], "description": "It is optional description of some example format" } ], "restrictions": { "allowedUsers": [ ], "description": "THAT IS NOT A FIELD. allowedUsers is an optional field which contains list of users which may use this bot to call its inline queries" } }