import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.* import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.* import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.enum import import net.kodehawa.lib.imageboards.boards.DefaultBoards import net.kodehawa.lib.imageboards.entities.Rating class EnableArgsParser( onlyQueryIsRequired: Boolean, private val base: ChatSettings = ChatSettings("", null, DefaultBoards.SAFEBOORU) ) : CliktCommand(name = "enable") { private fun NullableOption.default( value: EachT?, defaultForHelp: String = value.toString(), ): NullableOption { return if (value != null) { transformAll(defaultForHelp) { it.lastOrNull() ?: value } } else { this } } val count by option("-n") .int() .help("Amount of pictures to grab each trigger time") .check("Count should be in range 1-10") { it in 1 .. 10 } val query by argument() .multiple(required = true) .help("Your query to booru. Use syntax \"-- -sometag\" to add excluding of some tag in query") val krontab by option("-k", "--krontab") .transformValues(5) { it.joinToString(" ") } .help("Krontab in format * * * * *. See") val board by option("-b", "--board") .convert { ChatSettings.BoardSerializer.types.getValue(it) } .run { if (onlyQueryIsRequired) { this } else { required() } } .help("Board type. Possible values: ${ChatSettings.BoardSerializer.types.keys.joinToString { it }}") val gallery by option("-g", "--gallery") .flag(default = .help("Effective only when count passed > 1. Will send chosen images as gallery instead of separated images") val rating by option("-r", "--rating") .enum { } val attachUrls by option("-a", "--attach_urls") .flag(default = base.attachUrls) var resultSettings: ChatSettings? = null private set override fun run() { resultSettings = ChatSettings( query.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }.joinToString(" ").trim(), krontab, board ?: base.board.boardType as DefaultBoards, count ?: base.count, gallery, rating, attachUrls ) } }