import dev.inmo.krontab.utils.asFlow import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.runCatchingSafely import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.utils.doForAllWithNextPaging import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.cache.cache.FullKVCache import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.cache.cached import import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.mappers.withMapper import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.unset import import import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.delete import* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.send.reply import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.buildBehaviourWithLongPolling import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onCommand import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onCommandWithArgs import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.requests.abstracts.FileUrl import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.* import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json import models.Config /** * This method by default expects one argument in [args] field: telegram bot configuration */ suspend fun main(args: Array) { // create json to decode config val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true } // decode config val config: Config = json.decodeFromString(Config.serializer(), File(args.first()).readText()) // that is your bot val bot = telegramBot(config.token) // that is kotlin coroutine scope which will be used in requests and parallel works under the hood val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) val repo = ExposedKeyValueRepo( config.database.database, { long("chat_id") }, { text("config") }, "configs" ).withMapper( { chatId }, { json.encodeToString(ChatSettings.serializer(), this) }, { ChatId(this) }, { json.decodeFromString(ChatSettings.serializer(), this) }, ).cached(FullKVCache(), scope = scope) val chatsChangingMutex = Mutex() val chatsSendingJobs = mutableMapOf() // here should be main logic of your bot bot.buildBehaviourWithLongPolling(scope) { // in this lambda you will be able to call methods without "bot." prefix val me = getMe() suspend fun refreshChatJob(chatId: ChatId, settings: ChatSettings?) { val settings = settings ?: repo.get(chatId) chatsChangingMutex.withLock { chatsSendingJobs[chatId] ?.cancel() settings ?.let { chatsSendingJobs[chatId] = settings.scheduler.asFlow().subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(scope) { val result = settings.makeRequest() when { result.isEmpty() -> return@subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions result.size == 1 -> sendPhoto( chatId, FileUrl(result.first().url) ) -> result.chunked(mediaCountInMediaGroup.last + 1).forEach { sendVisualMediaGroup( chatId, { TelegramMediaPhoto(FileUrl(it.url)) } ) } else -> result.forEach { sendPhoto( chatId, FileUrl(it.url) ) } } } } } } doForAllWithNextPaging { repo.keys(it).also { it.results.forEach { refreshChatJob(it, null) } } } repo.onNewValue.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(this) { refreshChatJob(it.first, it.second) } repo.onValueRemoved.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(this) { refreshChatJob(it, null) } onCommand(Regex("(help|start)"), requireOnlyCommandInMessage = true) { reply(it, EnableArgsParser(, repo, scope).getFormattedHelp().takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } ?: return@onCommand) } onCommandWithArgs("enable") { message, strings -> val parser = EnableArgsParser(, repo, this) runCatchingSafely { parser.parse(strings) }.onFailure { e -> e.printStackTrace() if ( is PrivateChat) { reply(message, parser.getFormattedHelp()) } } runCatchingSafely { if ( is ChannelChat) { delete(message) } } } onCommand("disable", requireOnlyCommandInMessage = true) { runCatchingSafely { repo.unset( } runCatchingSafely { delete(it) } } setMyCommands( listOf( BotCommand("start", "Will return the help for the enable command"), BotCommand("help", "Will return the help for the enable command"), BotCommand("enable", "Will enable images grabbing for current chat or update exists settings"), BotCommand("disable", "Will disable bot for current chat"), ) ) println(me) }.join() }